Friday, October 2, 2009

Students Use Open Office

It is hilarious to be in a computer store when students are going back to school. College and University students think that they need the latest Macbook pro and that they have to purchase all this additional software. Most of the students do not need the latest and the most powerfull computers. They never use them to their full potential and they spend tons of money that they usually do not have. The back to school season is about hype and buying into certain brands. Mac computers are expensive and spending all this money seems to be ridiculous. Especially today when school tuition and books are so expensive. However, there are tons of alternatives for students to save money for themselves. You can look into buying a PC which is several hundreds of dollars cheaper and will do the same thing as a Mac. Another big business during back to school season is software. You probably noticed that when you go to a store to purchase a computer every sales person is pushing on you additional products. Most of this is software or extra warranty. However, the most important software for students is an office suite. Microsoft Office is overpriced but you can choose Openoffice which is a great alternative and is completely free. It is not a trick or a free 60 day trial that will expire on you. Anyone can download it and use it on their computer. Most of the functionality of Openoffice are more than any student will ever need. Openoffice is also compatible with Microsoft Office formats. This free office suite works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS. You can save a lot of money by choosing free software instead of expensive applications that are being pushed on you by sales people. The whole point of College or University is to make you think outside of the box and to see things differently. Do not be pressured by the marketing of large corporations that tell you that you need an expensive laptop, software and additional warranties. Try to look for alternatives such as openoffice and save your money for things that really matter. Visit the Openoffice website to learn more or to download their office suite. Original Post By Tuxxie on

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