Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Linux Spreading !!

People are slowly realising that Linux is out there. They might not be installing it en masse but they are aware of it. Ten years ago if you asked someone on the street what is Linux most people would not have a clue. However, today this does not seem to be the case anymore. People know that Linux is an operating system. They might not be well informed about it or know where to get it but it is in their vocabulary. This is definitely a good thing. Slowly Linux is getting into people's consciousness even without the huge marketing of large corporations such as Microsoft and Apple computers. There is much more debate going on about Linux. Many forums, Blogs and websites dedicated to the subject. More people are trying Linux out on their systems and the good news is a lot of people are sticking with it. They are realizing that it is a very good operating system with tons of applications. The year 2010 might not be the year of the Linux desktop but as I wrote in my previous article it doesn't matter at all. The spread of Linux will not come in one year but it will be a gradual transition. Each year few more people install it and stick with it. Then they tell their friends and so on. Right now Linux is about 2% of the desktop computer market and is definitely on the increase. It is an emerging market and is changing the computer industry. Open Source has a lot of potential and is a revolution in itself. This Linux thing is getting out of hand. People are actually realising that it is a great alternative to Windows and Mac OS. They are installing Linux and sticking with it. The future for Linux looks very bright and promising. Original Post by Tuxxie on

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